Monday, February 1, 2010

The Kitten & Crows

This kitten purrs in my lap. Asleep on her back ,feet in the air.
She's been a hellion this morning… tearing around like a mad woman.
I like her better like this, quiet and cuddly. Warm and sweet.
I guess all wild creatures need to calm down at times. and sleep.

Im in my living room. My studio living room. I have my recent paintings all around me. Some big, some medium, some small. Colourful as heLL. So colourful they kind of make me sick. The most intense one, looks like my brain's exploded all over it. It's definitely the exact colours of my brain… maybe i should call it, 'my brain'. These paintings make me miss the canvases I first did, the ones i did in black and white.

There is no music on, silence… until i hear a crew of crows out my window. There are so many crows in Vancouver. i like it.
And so, I want to be good,… like the kind of good that breaks through shit… i want to set rules for myself… write a manifesto…. design a movement. Paint things people have never seen…. commentate on the age we live in… how strange it is…. how we watch each other.,… how we know things need to change, even more drastically than before…

I guess it's hard to be happy go lucky - la dee dA - right now… i suppose some people do it… i can sometimes…. but realistically , im quite serious. I like real deep shit: the kind that resinates & shakes the brain. I want to be able to make stuff that does that ~ not only shakes my brain, but other peoples. People of all ages.

The Kitten has moved…
she watches my fingers type,
she bats at them with her paw.

The Crows have moved on,
I now hear Sea Gulls.

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