Monday, June 28, 2010

"We are peacefuL"- while they shake their fists'.;

Crumbling beneath you, this world is.
Bumbling like a drunken fool ,.
pan handling for food.

The masses feed off Hysteria
and hyper extend themselves into Her glare.

An age of helplessness, as if it's never not been here.
Armoured zombies in the streets ,.
without any shade of faith
they scream!

As they hand over their change
for a Starbucks Latte,
gripping it tightly as they throw hot opinions in your face
(in a crowd only allowed to feel comfort by being in a crowd) They SHake!

I hear sirens as I sit in my warm quiet living room,
writing without a clue how i feel..
just found a pen in my hand just now,
as i sit here grieving...

ALmost paralyzed by what I've been reading...

THe World's news flooding in through my window,
crashing across the floor
My feet dangle in the sewage,
cold and hurting.

THere is no quiet, never can be because of the distant drumming.
An angry crowd, out to be noticed
by fighting.

When it's clear, Peace is no where near.
A concept which lives in a fantasy. A foggy notion people chant loudly,
I hear repeated on the news...

But you are NOT peaceful if you yell in crowds, and SHAKE YOUR FISTS!
You are fighting War with War, and that is why PEACE CANNOT EXIST!

I think the only hope, would be, if we,
stayed in our homes, unify,
and grieve.

Morn for The World the way you Morn a Dead Relative
be quiet - be kind - be sad -
and cry.

It all grows dark, heavy and thick
Smart people choose to keep walking in it..
only to be hit and hit and hit
in the face
with Stupidity's spit.

I'd like it to stop. I'd like to resist.
I'd like to quietly pray for the day when
Peace may have a chance to exist.

Until then, I'll be quiet and wish for it quietly
Because, I believe, that is what

Peace truly is.

Robyn Waffle
June 27th 2010

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